Gift card HUF 10.000.-

Gift card HUF 20.000.-


25. 01. 2025.

Working with sourdough is art: it involves bringing it to life, nurturing it, feeding it, and using it
with perfect timing.

It may seem complicated, but you just need to know the tricks to succeed.

Sándor Szabó, the multiple award-winning pizzaiolo from Szomszéd, will teach you everything you
need to know.

HUF 24.000.-



Színpadunkon köszönthetjük a Szakcsi Jr. Trio-t, a magyar jazzélet meghatározó szereplőit!

Ifjabb Szakcsi Lakatos Béla/SACHI (zongora), Balázs Elemér (dob), Krisztian “Pecek” Lakatos (bőgő) ismerősként térnek vissza a Szomszédba.

18:30-tól állófogadással várjuk kedves jazzrajongóinkat.

16.000 Ft/fő

‘Disznótoros’ feast

30. 01. 2025.

We are taking you on a journey into the world of rustic Hungarian flavors.

On the menu is the classic disznótoros feast – with a signature Szomszéd twist, as always!

Every guest is welcomed with a complimentary pálinka!

Don’t forget! Wear a hat! 

HUF 15.900.-


9:00-12:00 AM

We invite you to enjoy a leisurely sparkling breakfast with us on the first Saturday of every month.
Take pleasure in a relaxed weekend morning together.
Sit back with a cup of coffee or a glass of champagne to start your day off right!


15. 02. 2025.

Italian music will be playing as you spin the pizza dough on your hands, toss it up, and create the perfect shape. You’ll smell the delicious aroma of tomatoes, and soon enough, you can crunch the perfectly baked crust!

Sounds good? Become a Neapolitan pizza chef for a day! We’ll show you how to do it, what to pay attention to, what’s important, and share everything worth knowing about its history!

HUF 15.000.-


27. 02. 2025.

Our next “Hello Szomszéd!” themed dinner will celebrate the queen of meats: steak!

A must-try for meat lovers, steak enthusiasts, or anyone who simply loves great food.

HUF 24.990.-


Perfect venue for your hen-party, stag do, family celebrations or team building events!

Request a personalized offer tailored to your needs!

+36 30 300 1010